Hourly rates for freelance Compliance Analysts

Freelance Compliance Analyst Rates: What You Need to Know

As a freelance compliance analyst, you are responsible for ensuring that a company is following all relevant laws and regulations. This can include everything from financial reporting to data privacy to environmental regulations. With the increasing importance of compliance in today's business world, the demand for freelance compliance analysts has grown significantly in recent years.

Definition of the Role

A compliance analyst is responsible for ensuring that a company is following all relevant laws and regulations. This can include everything from financial reporting to data privacy to environmental regulations. The analyst will review the company's policies and procedures, identify areas of risk, and develop strategies to mitigate those risks. They will also monitor the company's compliance with regulations and report any violations to management.

Typical Set of Rates

The rates for freelance compliance analysts can vary depending on a number of factors, including experience, location, and the complexity of the project. According to data from Upwork, the average hourly rate for a compliance analyst is around $50-$75 per hour. However, rates can range from $25 per hour for entry-level analysts to $150 per hour for highly experienced professionals.

Factors that Influence the Rate

There are several factors that can influence the rate for a freelance compliance analyst. These include:


As with most freelance roles, experience is a major factor in determining the rate for a compliance analyst. Those with more experience and a proven track record of success will be able to command higher rates than those who are just starting out.


Location can also play a role in determining the rate for a compliance analyst. Those who live in areas with a higher cost of living may need to charge more to cover their expenses.

Complexity of the Project

The complexity of the project can also impact the rate for a compliance analyst. Projects that require a high level of expertise or involve a large amount of work may require a higher rate than simpler projects.


Finally, the timeframe for the project can also impact the rate for a compliance analyst. Projects that require a quick turnaround or involve working outside of normal business hours may require a higher rate to compensate for the additional time and effort required.


As a freelance compliance analyst, you play a critical role in ensuring that companies are following all relevant laws and regulations. While rates can vary depending on a number of factors, those with experience and a proven track record of success can command higher rates. By understanding the factors that influence rates, you can ensure that you are charging a fair price for your services while also meeting the needs of your clients.